GO Professional: $6486
“We are an organisation, e.g., a clinic.”
“We will be using more than one GO in our practice.”
“More than one person will be using the GO for work with clients.”
“Our clients will monitor themselves and collect data in the field.”
“We plan to rent instruments to clients.”
“We plan to do group work (i.e., work with multiple clients simultaneously).”
“We want to customise data reports and write report notes.”
“Clients will need their own logins to see their data.”
“We need additional assessment tools, such as interview and habit tracking forms.”
“We are using the GO for research purposes.”
“We want to take advantage of GO’s many advanced features, e.g., HRV algorithms.”
“We want FREE “live” tech support.”
Go Basic: $4485.00 - Add-Ons C and M included
- “I am a SOLO practitioner and I will be using the GO with my clients.”
- “I am not interested in the advanced software and database features of the Professional GO.”
- UPGRADE to Professional version at any time for : $2001.00
Go Personal: $3450.00
- “I will be using the GO to improve my own health and performance”
- ADD Option C: $414.00 and/or Option M: $621.00 –
- UPGRADE to Professional version later for an additional: $3036.00
CapnoTrainer GO!
These are available through the main booking page.