You breathe the way you live.
You live the way you breathe.
Conspire Health invites you to explore your psychophysiology to discover, develop, and integrate behaviours and ways of knowing that restore and maintain resilient physical and mental health.
Breathing analysis, somatic therapies and evidence-based biofeedback explorations will be applied to your unique physiology and experiences,
We guide you to apply your new awareness and personal mastery of your breath, mind and body to self-regulate in all aspects
of your life without relying on
a tool-box of techniques or a
trunk-full of technology.
A restoration of reflex-oriented resilience to thrive in all spheres of life.
Learning how to interpret your sensations and symptoms releases the need to control the body or to use the body to control emotion and cognition.
With enhanced internalised knowledge you can leverage your psychophysiology to achieve peak performance in athletics, performing arts, and high impact industries.
Consciousness: Respiration is the "dash" in the mind-body conspiracy. Breathing is the primary psychophysiological driver of every human. Let's listen to what your breath is saying and connect the dots of your thoughts, feelings, and symptoms.
Connection: Together with a breathing behaviour specialist, you will trace and gently change maladaptive breathing habits that compromise your physical and mental health through an individualized learning plan based upon your personal biofeedback data. You will learn to trust what you feel and free your breathing from emotional, cognitive, and physical burdens. Reflexive resilience and physiologic efficiency are the results.
Community: We invite you to join classes and topic-specific workshops to support your goals and expand with experiences of co-regulation with other Conspire Health clients. Life doesn’t happen in a bubble and when you set all the tech aside you are still wired for connection. Our classes let you implement what you have learned in your private sessions with challenging content. Private groups for teams or special interests will be organised by request.
Continuity: We provide biofeedback equipment for all analysis and learning-plan sessions. Most clients prefer to take units home to test their limits and to challenge their psychophysiology based on in-session insights. We provide units to rent, so you can now play at home, work, or in the field. How fun is that?
Coherence: Our professional training opportunities draw people from diverse approaches to wellness, mental health, manual therapy, rehabilitation, sports, and education. You will learn how the psychophysiology of breathing interferes with your clients’ ability to heal, learn, or perform. Screening tools for dysfunctional breathing habits and recovery leading to a realignment of the breathing psycho-physiology of each client you serve is explored. This ensures your expertise is focused on resolving the underlying breathing behaviours instead of roving symptoms and deficits of behavioural hypocapnia.